Most popular pets of all time

List of most popular pets

Popular pets

Pets are humans' best friend, and the popularity of pets change with time. In the past, dogs and cats were the only popular pets (companion animals). But nowadays people have company of some strange animal as well. But dogs are still humans’ best friend and popular pet among animals.

A survey conducted on American pet owners shows trends of popular pets, more households having a dog than any other animal friend. But it also found that generally there are more numbers of Nemos in each American fish tank. It’s rare to see a alone fish. And the number of cats is more than the total number of dogs because people prefer  more multi-cats than multi-dogs. Below is the List of most popular pets according to the 2007 National Pet Owners Survey, It clearly shows the popular pets among Americans.

List of popular pets with number of acquisitions.

1. 142 million freshwater Fish

Popular Pets

2. 88.3 million Cats

popular pets

3. 74.8 million Dogs

popular pets

4. 6 million Birds

popular pets

5. 24.3 million small animals

popular pets

6. 13.8 million Horses

popular pets

7. 13.4 million Reptiles

popular pets

8. 9.6 million saltwater Fish

popular pets

According to the results of the survey, pet ownership is at an all-time high in the country, with 71.1 million households owning at least one pet, which is around 30% more than the first survey, conducted in 1988.


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