Munchkin Cat- Unique breed of cats with short legs

Munchkin Cat - the small-legged breed of Cats


Munchkin Cat

Golden Munchkin Cat

The Munchkin cat is a famous cat breed among cat lovers because of its cute appearance and short legs. It has short legs because of a natural Genetic mutation. The Munchkin cat has been the most controversial breed since 1995 when The International Cat Association recognized it. And raises various questions about the Munchkin cat's health and problems caused by short legs. Still, the internet is flooded with doubtful questions about the breed. Fortunately, the munchkin cat has beaten those odds and secured itself in the world of cat lovers, known for its affectionate, playful, and clever nature.


Are Munchkin cats a good pet?

According to TICA Standards, the Munchkin kitten is friendly, intelligent, and sociable. We can consider Munchkin cats as good pets. Also, various sources describe that the short legs of Munchkin do not impact their running and leaping abilities (Stroud, Jon (2008), The DVD Book of Cats, Green Umbrella Pubg)

Short leg cats

Munchkin Cat personality or characteristics:

  1. The Munchkin Cats are similar to normal domestic cats other than legs. 
  2. Male Munchkin cats weigh between  3 - 4 Kg and are bigger than female Munchkin cats, which weigh around 2 Kg - 3.6 Kg.
  3. The Munchkin cats are available in various coat colors and patterns and are a long-haired variety. (fluffy munchkin cat)


Fluffy Munchkin cat

Fluffy Munchkin cat

Munchkin Cat lifespan or age: 

The munchkin cat has continued to surpass expectations: cat fancier experts predicted that it would be a short-lived breed, would not have a typical life expectancy, and suffer greatly due to its unusually short legs. Still, it lives around 12-15 years.

Munchkin cat health problems:

The impact of the mutation on the health of the Munchkin cat breed is still unclear. Munchkin cat's short-legged trait is a genetic disorder called achondroplasia that results in dwarfism.

Many cat associations worldwide have denied recognizing the Munchkin cat due to the welfare of the Munchkin cat’s breed and the severity of the health issues. The most common health conditions for the munchkin cat breed, based on Nationwide pet insurance policyholder claims in 2016, are, in order of pervasiveness:

  • Uremia (end-stage kidney failure)
  • Lymphosarcoma (cancer in the lymphoid tissue)
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Pancreatitis
  • Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUDT)


Facts about Munchkin cats you didn't know

Following are things you may not have known about munchkin cats.

1. Munchkin cat is an Accidental Discovery

The breed — named after the munchkin characters in “The Wizard of Oz” —came about by accident after a Louisiana school teacher found two pregnant, short-legged cats hiding underneath her car during the early 80s. There is a widespread belief all munchkin cats can trace their roots back to these two cats.

2. They Can Sit like dogs.

Munchkin cats seating

In the ‘50s, a short-legged cat in Russia was named the “Stalingrad kangaroo cat” because it always sat on its haunches. Similarly, one of the characteristics shared by many munchkin cats is their ability to perch on their hind legs like dogs. This preference could be because the munchkin’s hind legs are slightly longer than their front legs.

3. All Munchkins are different and not alike

Yes, munchkin cats are known for their short legs, but did you know that not all munchkin cats have short legs? There are three different types of leg lengths in the munchkin breed: “standard,” “super-short,” and “rug hugger,” the shortest.

If a munchkin cat does not carry the heterozygous gene (when a cell contains two different alleles of a gene), it will be born with standard-length legs. They must be returned with the autosomal dominant gene to have shorter legs.

4. It’s a Normal typical cat

Contrary to popular belief, the munchkin cat does not suffer from any spinal issues due to their tiny legs. Tests conducted on the oldest-living munchkins in 1995 revealed no abnormalities or problems in the cats’ joints or bones.

The only limitation of the munchkin cat with shorter legs is the ability to jump as high as a cat with traditionally longer legs.   

Price of Munchkin Cat in India:

For a standard Munchkin cat in India, the cost is around ₹6,000, and the Cost of a munchkin with superior lineage is approximately ₹50,000. Based on gender, female munchkins are costlier than male Munchkins.

Price of Munchkin Cat in the United States:

Munchkin cat is very famous in the USA; its prices may vary from $500 to $1200. It depends on the cat's age, color, gender, leg size, and breed. 
